MYO-069: Dr.HeartEater

Owned by 8AJABLAST

πŸ’–πŸ¬"BLENDER OF LπŸ’—VE"πŸ’–πŸ¬

πŸ’– Male

πŸ’— 200+ years old

πŸ’– LovesickΒ  Infection

πŸ’— He's absolutely lost it, like to a silly degree

πŸ’– Absolutely CRAVES affection, he just wants to find someone to love and maybe dissect

πŸ’— Absolute mad scientist, if he isn't working on experiments he is trying to infect / take over specimens

πŸ’– Aside from being a lil unhinged [by a lot] he is also fatherly and very nerdful in his futuristic lore

πŸ’— Based offa Love Potion No. 9

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