Succubud Species Guides

Created: 24 February 2024, 12:19:25 UTC
Last updated: 18 December 2024, 21:33:24 UTC

Succubuds are any creature that has been infected by a parasite known as a budling.

These parasites burrow into them, splitting their face open with a second mouth, and taking over their brain and nervous system.

If not intervened with, a succubud will lose control of its body, and it’s arms and legs will become roots. Because of this, they wear monitors, which sedate the parasite and let them control their bodies, as well as inject them with medicine for any pain or illness caused by the budling. They also wear stockings or bandages, to cover up infectious patches that produce spores, which start on the legs. 

The parasite cannot be removed, as it’s appendages dig into the brain, making it dangerous to do so. 






Monibuds are tiny cyborg creatures, standing at an average of 2-4 feet tall (although they can be built bigger, especially defenders).

Fleshy bodies are engineered in a lab, with a robotic head and arms to ensure they always keep control. A parasite is introduced to the body before it is powered on. The AI in a monibud is advanced enough that it keeps the parasite stimulated (they feed off both physical nutrients and mental energy).

Monibuds can be programmed to be more feral, loyal pets, or their own anthropomorphic, smart individuals. Either way they have enough thinking power to keep a budling satisfied, unlike most critters. 

The budlings given to monibuds are typically the more passive ones, or ones that have explicitly decided not to infect a host. Parasites are always sentient when infecting a monibud. 

They still have monitors to keep infectious spots from growing on their fleshy parts, but these are typically a lot smaller and simpler than a succubud’s as they don’t need to fight for brain control. 

Monibuds come in subtypes- worker, defender, toy, and medical. 




Workers are programmed to work alongside succubuds- chefs, artists, miners, whatever! they cannot be doctors, soldiers, or playmates, as these would fall under medical, defender, and toy respectively! They can have any magic, typically relating to their job.

Medicals are programmed to take care of succubuds, they usually have enhydro parts filled with medicine or potions, and usually have healing and electric based magic.


Defenders are programmed to protect and fight, they’re typically taller (5-6 feet) and bulkier, with big arms and durable claws. They typically do not possess any magic abilities, relying on pure strength, although it is possible for them to have magic. (Any magic ability on a defender counts as strong magic, since it’s unusual for them to possess it!)


Toys are programmed to be playmates and/or toys for succubuds. Monibuds who watch over children also fall under toys. Their robotic parts are typically covered in plastic or fabric, and can have abnormal anatomy, like long necks or stretchy parts. Additionally, they can have material bodies (toy related)! 

- Arms are always robotic, same with the head.






Budlings are sentient fungus-like alien creatures. They arrived on X from a comet crashing into the earth. These strange creatures sometimes possess magic abilities, which are usually very weak/dormant until they find a host. They also cannot reproduce without a host, although they are able to survive without one. 

Budlings may grow normally, or, if their spores are embedded in an object, they can grow out of materials. Especially rarely, some may be made out of elemental materials. Once they have a host, they can produce spores and reproduce, by growing infectious patches on the host’s body.

Budlings are the main parasites that take over and make succubuds!
Budlings consist of a BUD - [the part that roots into a succubuds spine / brain] and a PARASITE - [the part that acts as the mouth and spore expeller!]

To keep these parts consistent for budlings still able to be seen please follow this for your budlings and 'critter shaped' budlings for the future!!

Budlings MUST have a distinct Parasite AND Bud! There should always be a visible slit and an 'eye' marking! [eye markings can look like anything but should be distinct from budling markings]

Updated Budling Guide






Applicable traits for all species can be found here