Webesite Updates + Change logs
Posted 9 months ago :: Last edited 9 months ago by HazyInkUPDATES
Hey everyone! we have a couple important new updates to the species!
We will start using onsite features more for people outside of the discord server! it is encourage to be part of it to keep up to date but it is not required
Pet drops and number displays are being a little wonky right now. We are working on fixing this! Thank you to everyone reporting the issues you're having!
We have added books! These can be foraged from the new library forage location! Currently there is one history book (comprised of 3 volumes you can find) full of lore, and a silly joke book. To read these, use them from your inventory and then go here https://www.succubuds.org/world/library ! More lore will be added in more books as time goes on. If you'd like to know when they come out, when new things are added, we put them in the patch notes channel of our discord server!
Clothes are now allowed on the masterlist! We felt the rule was a little bit restrictive. It is still suggested to have a small ref of any traits hidden by clothes.
CBC Rule more clear: Your characters may be based off of pre-existing characters, however, it cannot be too close to the original unless it is based on your own oc.
(basically- No 1:1 copyrighted characters with parasites, they must have something unique about them) [Visual Guide will be linked here as soon as its done]
Sensitive content rule when posting to the galleries: Please make sure you put a warning on extreme body horror, gore, violent content, very dark subjects, ect. While this species deals with some darker subjects, extreme stuff should still have a warning to keep everyone comfortable!
Visual Species guides to be added soon.
Sexual/Suggestive content is not allowed on site. This includes jokes of sexual nature. This is for the safety of the minors in this community! You are allowed to do whatever in your own spaces, but keep it pg-13 in here.
As you probably noticed, monibuds have rarities now! This change was part of a larger trait change. Monibuds may now have ANY traits, rather than just the ones listed on their subtype page! The traits on the subtype page are now free for that subtype regardless of rarity. (I.E. enhydro would be allowed for a common medical without an item!) Monibuds have their own upgrade items, (Monidisk) for any common + uncommon traits,
(Monicard) for any rare + mutation traits, and
(Moniboard) for unknown traits!
Theres some new traits available!
MONIBUD EXCLUSIVE: wheels/gears,
organic arms,
multiple trinkets &
missing trinket
GENERAL: Multiple heads (item coming very soon)