Submission (#140) Approved

21 May 2024, 19:29:04 UTC (9 months ago)
22 May 2024, 03:39:27 UTC (9 months ago) by HazyInk
Name: Purrgles
Despite their brutish appearance Purrgles are cuddly creatures about the size of a house cat that like being pampered and dressed up in cute clothes, often striking adorable poses for their owners' to take delightful pictures. These intelligent creatures are most often seen sporting colorful short fur coats with two-tone spots matching their horn and eye colors. They have similar behavior to dogs, they pant with their mouths open, wag their tails and love playing fetch. They are very easy to teach tricks to as well.

Two subspecies are known to exist, The Bubble Blower which has chewed and/or eaten a Cursed Bud Doll and The Charred Land variety which seems to have resulted from a Corrosive Venom being poured on them!
Reward Amount
Budmons 500
Crumb Sprite 1