
<a href=" Dragons Beard" class="display-item">(M) Dragons Beard</a>

(M) Dragons Beard

Category: (M) Basic

Grants either fins, gills, heat-pits, or hoods. Cannot grant all unless you have multiple items.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Glow Juice" class="display-item">(M) Glow Juice</a>

(M) Glow Juice

Category: (M) Basic

Grants bioluminescence or goopy body parts. Can affect the whole body, but cannot affect the eyes or mask.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Gummy Brain" class="display-item">(M) Gummy Brain</a>

(M) Gummy Brain

Category: (M) Basic

Grants a sentient tail. Meaning the tail is alive. If tail is considered a separate head, you will need a Choco Duplex in order to grant both.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Jar of Eyes" class="display-item">(M) Jar of Eyes</a>

(M) Jar of Eyes

Category: (M) Basic

Grants any eye mutation. Either shaped eyes, goopy eyes, glowing eyes, colored sclera, missing eyes, or googly eyes. Cannot grant all at once, need multiples items if using multiple traits.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Pretze-Hooves" class="display-item">(M) Pretze-Hooves</a>

(M) Pretze-Hooves

Category: (M) Basic

Grants the the ability to add hooves.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Corny-Corn" class="display-item">(M) Corny-Corn</a>

(M) Corny-Corn

Category: (M) Basic

Grants either horns, claws, or spikes. Cannot grant all at once, will need multiple items in order to add more than one.


Purchaseable At:

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