
Frankenstein (Succubud subtype)

IMPORTANT: Game subtype; - must be designed with other users. Discord server has a channel to request parts!


Undead succubuds, created from different parts stitched together. 

Instead of a monitor, they have bolts that gather electricity and keep them alive. This also keeps the infection from spreading on their body! 

Unlike most succubuds, these frankensteins have to fight for control with their parasites, and they may act more monsterish due to this.


Requires 1 or more of the following traits:

- Mismatched body parts (I.E. scaly leg + furry arm, one arm is bigger than the other, ect.)

- Stitching on body 

- Mismatched Bud/Parasite


Traits allowed without items for this subtype:

- Heterochromia

- Material body/bud/parasite

- Elemental features (electric only)

- Mismatched buds/parasites

- Stitching on body

- Stitches on slit


Must be designed between 2 or more users, one or more part each. Any participants can claim a subtype upgrade if they want one!

1 subtype found.