Fur (Common)
Fur can be placed in any area of the body, it is completely up to the designer.
Item: Free
Scales (Uncommon)
Allows scales on the body/buds/parasite.
Item: Fratchel catch
Spikes (Uncommon)
Feathers (Rare)
Allows for feather growth on the body.
Item: Seerb
Glitter (Rare)
Sprinkles/Trinkets (Rare)
Allows for the body, hair, organs, buds, or parasites of a succubud to have sprinkles or objects/trinkets.
(living growth or plant growth does not work with this trait, Piercings are not traited and do not count as a sprinkle or object/trinket)
Item: Decopuff
Plant Growth (Rare)
Plants of your choice that grow on the budling's body. Can be reduced or increased at will or out of budlings control, up to owner.
Item: Sprotium
Iridescence (Rare)
Chromism (Rare)
Shifting Markings (Rare)
Bioluminescence (Mutation)
Gooey Body (Mutation)
Body appears drippy/melty. Does not affect buds or parasites!
Can be mixed with other traits!!
Item: Strange Specimen
Transparency (Mutation)
This trait cannot cause skin to be iridescent or goopy, it only grants transparency. Can affect the parasite.
Item: Strange Specimen
Multicolored Flesh (Mutation)
Crystal/Gem Growth (Unknown)
Crystal of your choice that grow on the budling's body. Can be reduced or increased at will or out of budlings control, up to owner. Cannot replace a limb and can only grow on the outside of a Succubud.
Item: Opalized fossil
Elemental Features (Unknown)
Fire, water, grass, eletricity, clouds, etc . body parts. Required for elemental parasites.
Obtained via: Flower badge, snowflake badge
Material Body (Unknown)
Body parts are made out of material like plant, glass, metal, ect.
This is strictly a body texture and cannot effect the eyes / buds or parasites!
Items: Gingerbud (food/drink only)
cursed buddoll (fabric/plastic/gummy/toy related only)
cursed flash drive (metals/plastics/robotic materials only)
opalized fossil (crytal/gem/rock only)
Corrosion on Body (Unknown)
Spectral Body (Unknown)
A trait that allows your 'buds body to be transparent and ghost-like. This trait also allows things to phase through their body.
Item: Possessed Roll