
(M) Fur

(M) Fur (Basic)

Species: Minyatas

Similar to hair, these are made of plastic or paper, but found around the body that isnt the ears or tail.

  • Item: Free
(M) Confetti

(M) Confetti (Basic)

Species: Minyatas

Can be any shape & color and can trail off the body, float or be stuck on the body.

  • Item: N/A
(M) Iridescence

(M) Iridescence (Basic)

Species: Minyatas

Iridescence skin can be anywhere on the body but the mask.

  • Item: N/A
(M) Material Body-Parts

(M) Material Body-Parts (Mythical)

Species: Minyatas

Examples: Gem arms, crystal eyes, stone claws, metal spikes and teeth.

(M) Plant Growth

(M) Plant Growth (Mythical)

Species: Minyatas

Cannot affect body parts, can only grow on top of the body.

(M) Crystal/Gem Growth

(M) Crystal/Gem Growth (Mythical)

Species: Minyatas

Cannot affect body parts, can only grow on top of the body.

(M) Chromism

(M) Chromism (Mythical)

Species: Minyatas

Color changing abilities.

(M) Shifting Patterns

(M) Shifting Patterns (Mythical)

Species: Minyatas

Pattern shifting abilities.

(M) Glitter

(M) Glitter (Basic)

Species: Minyatas

Glitter on the minyata that can be any shape & color

[Glitter examples]

  • Item: N/A
(M) Trinkets/Objects On Body

(M) Trinkets/Objects On Body (Basic)

Species: Minyatas

Allows trinkets on the body of a minyata.

(Plant growth does not fall under trinkets; piercings and accessories are not traited and do not count a trinket. You also may be looking for confetti trait.)

  • Item: N/A
(M) Spectral Body

(M) Spectral Body (Enchanted)

Species: Minyatas

Grants your minyata a transparent ghostly body [can be paired with naga body to create a legless floating ghost entity]

(M) Wispy Body (Enchanted)

Species: Minyatas

Your minyatas body is wispy this can effec the ribbon as well. [You will need spectral body to make them ghostly]

18 results found.