
Magical Artifact

Magical Artifact (Rare)

Grants any magic artifact (this can be anything).


Item: Magic hat

Magic Abilities

Magic Abilities (Rare)

Allows your Succubud to have limited magical abilities such as minor elemental manipulation, levitation, or minor telepathy.
This magic cannot affect other creatures physically or cause them any sort of mental pain. That would be considered a strong magic abilitiy.


Item: Wisened growth

Strong Magic Abilities

Strong Magic Abilities (Unknown)

Grants strong magical abilities, surpassing normal magic.


Item: DNA planter


Morphing (Unknown)

Body is able to transform into other shapes, such as stretching an arm to be longer. Does not grant a different form, that would be transformation.


Items: Stretchy hand, cursed flash drive (robotic morphing)


Hivemind (Unknown)

2 or more bodies, telepathically connected.

Small body hiveminds (less than half the size of the main body) do not have to be succubud/monibud/budlings, and can be any critter.  Additionally, they can use any traits freely.

Large body hiveminds still require items or the corresponding slot rarity to use them!

Different bodies may have different personalities and appearances. 


Limited to 2 Large bodies OR 1 Large body + 5 small bodies, for MYO slots. Traits do not apply to small bodies!


Item: Sweet Cheese

Floating Eyes

Floating Eyes (Unknown)

Floating eyes surround the 'bud. These eyes can move freely around but cannot travel long distances without the 'bud.


Item: Possessed Roll


Transform (Unknown)

Allows the 'bud to turn into another form. It is not the same as a morphing.

This abilty completely alters the body to a significant degree. New traits can be given or removed in these forms.

Alternate forms may variate from typical anatomy (i.e. a feral wolf succubud form.) Parasites and slits must still be present.


Item: Cocoon Crystal;  Cursed Flash Drive (robotic tranformations only)

Rare Trait (Rare)

Species: Succubud

This is for MYO slot addons only. This means you can use 1x Rare trait. If there is more trait rarities added onto your slot, than you can use more than 1.


Morphallaxis (Unknown)

Allows your 'bud to regenerate a cut off part of the body into a new body. 


Item: TBA

Magic Manifestation

Magic Manifestation (Unknown)

Gives your Succubud the ability to manifest something using magic, such as clouds, floating objects, etc.

Does not grant Hivemind (other bodies) or Elemental features (elemental body parts/buds/parasites). 


Item: Merlin’s Spellbook

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