
Missing Buds

Missing Buds (Unknown)

Category: (SB) Bud

Removes a bud. Whether or not the parasite gets removed too is up to you! 


Item: Unknown bud potion

Portal Buds

Portal Buds (Unknown)

Category: (SB) Bud

The buds are portals that the parasite appears from.


Item: Unknown bud potion

Unusually Shaped Buds

Unusually Shaped Buds (Unknown)

Category: (SB) Bud

Any shape that is not already a trait, such as letters. If using different shapes, you will need the mismatched bud trait as well!


Item: Unknown bud potion

Misplaced Buds

Misplaced Buds (Unknown)

Category: (SB) Bud

Buds are located in a different area of the body than normal, such as on the back of the head or on the arm. This trait is just buds, no parasite/head. 


Item: Unknown bud potion

Mismatched Buds

Mismatched Buds (Mutation)

Category: (SB) Bud

Allows buds to be different types. Bud rarities still apply!

If a bud has buds of these types: critter shaped, edible or unusually shaped, it will need mismatched trait if the buds are different shapes (e.g. apple and watermelon slice edible buds).

Item: Mutation bud potion

Edible Buds

Edible Buds (Unknown)

Category: (SB) Bud
Species: Succubud

Buds that are made of something that can be consumed; food or drinks. Can be any variety of food.
Adding Multiple foods + drinks would require Multiple Buds!


Items: Gingerbud

Square Buds

Square Buds (Common)

Category: (SB) Bud

Square shaped buds

Item: Common bud potion

Elemental shaped buds

Elemental shaped buds (Mutation)

Category: (SB) Bud

Buds are shaped like an element. This trait does not grant elemental features, just the shape!  [e.g. fire shape, water shape, snow shaped]


Item: Mutation bud potion

Blocky Buds

Blocky Buds (Mutation)

Category: (SB) Bud

Blocky/cube shaped buds. Chunkier than square shaped buds, may resemble building blocks.


Item: Mutation bud potion

Mixed Buds

Mixed Buds (Mutation)

Category: (SB) Bud

Allows features from multiple bud types on one (e.g. crescent + vortex).


Item: Mutation bud potion

Spirit Buds

Spirit Buds (Unknown)

Category: (SB) Bud

Wisp/spirit shaped buds. 


Item: Unknown bud potion

Critter Shaped Buds

Critter Shaped Buds (Rare)

Category: (SB) Bud

Can be shaped like any animal/insect/critter. If using different critters, you will need the mismatched buds trait as well!


Item: Rare bud potion

32 results found.