Gooey Parasite (Mutation)
Parasites are gooey and appear drippy/melty. Can be combined with any parasite type.
Strictly for Parasites and Parasites alone!
(At least 1 parasite must remain on the head or neck)
Item: Mutation parasite potion
Edible Parasite (Unknown)
Parasites made of something that can be consumed; food or drinks.
Adding Multiple foods + drinks would require Multiple Parasites!
(At least 1 parasite must remain on the head or neck)
Item: Gingerbud or Unknown parasite potion
Gooey Buds (Mutation)
Buds are gooey and appear drippy/melty. Can be combined with any bud type.
Strictly for buds and buds alone!
Item: Mutation bud potion
Edible Buds (Unknown)
Buds that are made of something that can be consumed; food or drinks. Can be any variety of food.
Adding Multiple foods + drinks would require Multiple Buds!
Items: Gingerbud
Rare Trait (Rare)
This is for MYO slot addons only. This means you can use 1x Rare trait. If there is more trait rarities added onto your slot, than you can use more than 1.
Unknown Trait (Unknown)
This is for MYO slot addons only. This means you can use 1x Unknown trait. If there is more trait rarities added onto your slot, than you can use more than 1.
Uncommon Trait (Uncommon)
This is for MYO slot addons only. This means you can use 1x Uncommon trait. If there is more trait rarities added onto your slot, than you can use more than 1.
Mutation Trait (Mutation)
This is for MYO slot addons only. This means you can use 1x Mutation trait. If there is more trait rarities added onto your slot, than you can use more than 1.