Shifting Eyes (Unknown)
Eyes can shift between different types of shapes or eye types "animated eyes" (does not apply to hypno as hypno can be freely toggled on and off)
Item: Eyelisir
Fur (Common)
Fur can be placed in any area of the body, it is completely up to the designer.
Item: Free
Scales (Uncommon)
Allows scales on the body/buds/parasite.
Item: Fratchel catch
Spikes (Uncommon)
Feathers (Rare)
Allows for feather growth on the body.
Item: Seerb
Glitter (Rare)
Sprinkles/Trinkets (Rare)
Allows for the body, hair, organs, buds, or parasites of a succubud to have sprinkles or objects/trinkets.
(living growth or plant growth does not work with this trait, Piercings are not traited and do not count as a sprinkle or object/trinket)
Item: Decopuff
Plant Growth (Rare)
Plants of your choice that grow on the budling's body. Can be reduced or increased at will or out of budlings control, up to owner.
Item: Sprotium
Iridescence (Rare)
Chromism (Rare)
Shifting Markings (Rare)
Bioluminescence (Mutation)
Gooey Body (Mutation)
Body appears drippy/melty. Does not affect buds or parasites!
Can be mixed with other traits!!
Item: Strange Specimen
Transparency (Mutation)
This trait cannot cause skin to be iridescent or goopy, it only grants transparency. Can affect the parasite.
Item: Strange Specimen
Multicolored Flesh (Mutation)
Crystal/Gem Growth (Unknown)
Crystal of your choice that grow on the budling's body. Can be reduced or increased at will or out of budlings control, up to owner. Cannot replace a limb and can only grow on the outside of a Succubud.
Item: Opalized fossil
Elemental Features (Unknown)
Fire, water, grass, eletricity, clouds, etc . body parts. Required for elemental parasites.
Obtained via: Flower badge, snowflake badge
Material Body (Unknown)
Body parts are made out of material like plant, glass, metal, ect.
This is strictly a body texture and cannot effect the eyes / buds or parasites!
Items: Gingerbud (food/drink only)
cursed buddoll (fabric/plastic/gummy/toy related only)
cursed flash drive (metals/plastics/robotic materials only)
opalized fossil (crytal/gem/rock only)
Corrosion on Body (Unknown)
Spectral Body (Unknown)
A trait that allows your 'buds body to be transparent and ghost-like. This trait also allows things to phase through their body.
Item: Possessed Roll