

Sprinkles/Trinkets (Rare)

Category: Body

Allows for the body, hair, organs, buds, or parasites of a succubud to have sprinkles or objects/trinkets.
(living growth or plant growth does not work with this trait, Piercings are not traited and do not count as a sprinkle or object/trinket)


Item: Decopuff

Shifting Markings

Shifting Markings (Rare)

Category: Body

Markings shift and change.


Item: Tint foil


Regeneration (Rare)

Category: Body

Regenerates parts of your Succubuds body if damaged or lost.

Regeneration cannot affect another creature, this would be magic ability.


Item: Sprotium


Macro (Rare)

Category: Body

Affects either the height or the length of a body part. Cannot grant morphing. Macro means large.


Item: Sneasuring tape


Micro (Rare)

Category: Body

Affects either the height or the length of a body part. Cannot grant morphing. Micro means small.


Item: Sneasuring tape


Wings (Rare)

Category: Body

Allows for any kind of wings.

Item: Seerb

Plant Growth

Plant Growth (Rare)

Category: Body

Plants of your choice that grow on the budling's body. Can be reduced or increased at will or out of budlings control, up to owner.


Item: Sprotium


Iridescence (Rare)

Category: Body

Can affect the body or the parasites.


Item: Opalized fossil

Natural Poison/Venom

Natural Poison/Venom (Rare)

Category: Body

Cannot grant mandibles or goopy skin. Natural poison must lurk within its body and not its skin. Teeth, saliva, claws, horns, fins, webbing, or flesh can be deemed poisonous/venomous.


Item: Sprotium

Magical Artifact

Magical Artifact (Rare)

Category: Magic/Abilities

Grants any magic artifact (this can be anything).


Item: Magic hat

Magic Abilities

Magic Abilities (Rare)

Category: Magic/Abilities

Allows your Succubud to have limited magical abilities such as minor elemental manipulation, levitation, or minor telepathy.
This magic cannot affect other creatures physically or cause them any sort of mental pain. That would be considered a strong magic abilitiy.


Item: Wisened growth

Rare Trait (Rare)

Category: Magic/Abilities
Species: Succubud

This is for MYO slot addons only. This means you can use 1x Rare trait. If there is more trait rarities added onto your slot, than you can use more than 1.

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