
Multicolored eyes

Multicolored eyes (Mutation)

Category: Eyes

Eyes can have multiple colors in one iris. [can effect the iris , pupil & sclera cannot be used to bypass heterochromia eyes]

(colored sclera is needed if using it on the sclera)


Item: Colorful milk

Gooey Eyes

Gooey Eyes (Mutation)

Category: Eyes

Goo can only affect the eyes, not the body, buds or parasites. [Buds are allowed to cry this trait is for consistantly drippy eyes]


Item: Mutating styms


Polycoria (Mutation)

Category: Eyes

Multiple irises. Does not grant shaped eyes.


Item: Mutating styms

Shaped Pupils/Eyes

Shaped Pupils/Eyes (Mutation)

Category: Eyes

Pupils/eyes are shaped. can be any shaped pupil & iris


Item: Mutating styms

Hypno Eyes

Hypno Eyes (Mutation)

Category: Eyes

Eyes have a swirl/repeating circular pattern.


Item: Mutating styms


Eyeless (Mutation)

Category: Eyes

Cannot effect parasite's false eyes.


Item: Mutating styms

Material Eyes

Material Eyes (Mutation)

Category: Eyes

Eyes are made of an inorganic material. (Ex: screen eyes)


Item: TBA

Glowing Eyes

Glowing Eyes (Mutation)

Category: Eyes

Eyes can glow. [Not to be confused with bioluminescence.]


Item: Mutating styms


Heterochromia (Mutation)

Category: Eyes

One eye is a different color than the other. [can effect the iris and sclera cannot be used to bypass multi colored eyes] 

(colored sclera is needed if using it on the sclera)


Item: Mutating styms

Multiple Mouths

Multiple Mouths (Mutation)

Category: Head

Mouth can be located anywhere.


Item: Mutated fungers

Multiple Tongues

Multiple Tongues (Mutation)

Category: Head

Allows for multiple tongues. Can come from the mouth or from slits


Item: Mutated fungers

Multiple Ears

Multiple Ears (Mutation)

Category: Head

Allows for multiple ears


Item: Mutated fungers


Mouthless (Mutation)

Category: Head

No mouth is present


Item:  Mouth-Eraser

Multiple Arms

Multiple Arms (Mutation)

Category: Body

Allows for multiple arms


Item: Mutated fungers

Gooey Body

Gooey Body (Mutation)

Category: Body

Body appears drippy/melty. Does not affect buds or parasites


Item: Strange Specimen


Transparency (Mutation)

Category: Body

This trait cannot cause skin to be iridescent or goopy, it only grants transparency. Can affect the parasite.


Item: Strange Specimen

Multicolored Flesh

Multicolored Flesh (Mutation)

Category: Body

Flesh/organs are multiple colors. Does not grant iridescence .


Item: Colorful milk


Organ-less (Mutation)

Category: Body

Organs are missing. Does not grant transparency.


Item: Strange specimen


Bioluminescense (Mutation)

Category: Body

Parts of the body or markings can glow. Does not affect eyes


Item: Mushbulb

Mutation Trait (Mutation)

Category: Mutations
Species: Succubud

This is for MYO slot addons only. This means you can use 1x Mutation trait. If there is more trait rarities added onto your slot, than you can use more than 1.

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